We would like to inform you of the third EMA public stakeholder meeting on the approval, safety monitoring and impact of COVID-19 vaccines in the EU to be held virtually on 26 March 2021 from 13:00 to 15:15 CET.
EMA is organising this open event to provide an update on:
· COVID-19 vaccines approved in the EU and those currently under review;
· post-authorisation activities, including emerging safety data since EU authorisation of the first COVID-19 vaccines, and ongoing work to address new variants;
· the expected impact of COVID-19 vaccination on our society;
- transparency and the publication of clinical data for COVID-19 vaccines.
The agenda and all information related to the event are available on the EMA website event page. The meeting will be broadcast live and a recording will be available after the meeting.
We hope that you and your members will be able to follow this important event and would like to encourage you to disseminate the information within your network.
No registration is required to watch the broadcast and those following the broadcast will be able to submit their comments via theCOVID19-public-event@ema.europa.eu inbox during the meeting. Kindly note that by sending an email, you consent to the processing of any personal data in your email, read the related privacy statement here. EMA may publish your comments, in an anonymous format, on EMA’s website. Should you wish to opt-out from this, please state this in your email. While it may not be possible to address all comments received during the meeting, EMA will still consider them in the relevant regulatory decision-making processes.
We invite those of you interested to join the virtual meeting room in WebEx to complete and submit this form no later than 15 March 2021 (Note: we recommend using Google Chrome/Safari browser). Participating in the virtual room gives the opportunity to ask questions and/or write comments in the WebEx chat (time permitting). EMA will look at all requests to join and will endeavor, in view of the available time and capacity, to select a diverse group of stakeholders to join the virtual meeting.
Please contact COVID19-public-event@ema.europa.eu if you have any questions.
You have received this mail because you have registered in the EMA stakeholders database and subscribed to receive this kind of information. However, if you no longer wish to receive such communications from us, please send an email to StakeholdersDB@ema.europa.eu to unsubscribe.
Kind regards,
Nathalie Macle
Public and Stakeholders Engagement Department
Stakeholders and Communication Division
European Medicines Agency
Domenico Scarlattilaan 6 | 1083 HS Amsterdam | The Netherlands
StakeholdersDB@ema.europa.eu / www.ema.europa.eu